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Old 03-23-2016, 03:20 PM   #12
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Location: Drakesville IA
Posts: 27
Re: My newest project 1972

Well with life any everything that has gotten in the way, my truck was on hold, I even tried to sell it at one point with no takers, so recently I have gotten back to work on it. I got busy drilling spot welds so I can separate the back of the floor from the back wall of the cab, as I am going to replace the rear brace. The floor pans in the rear corners need replaced, and the bottoms of the pillars, and the front brace also needs replaced.

When I started on this in the last week or so I drilled the spot welds and got the floor lose, and in moved where it shouldn't have, the floor stayed out and the back of the cab dropped, WHOOPS, so I spent about three hours this morning lining it back up and putting the doors on and checking alignment of everything and it is really close to being right back where it was, so now I am going to move forward and start replacing parts...
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