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Old 03-26-2016, 09:06 PM   #70
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Re: "1950 GMC" -Charlotte

Since Wednesday was my B-Day, I decided to take the rest of the week off and get caught up on stuff around the house including "Charlotte" so today is just a small update and no pics this time...

I ended up fixing a wrong from earlier. When I first put the notch for my rack and pinion, I ended up putting it a little farther forward than designed and was trying to make due with washers. It was still rubbing and I just wasn't happy with it so I ordered more notches and ended up getting it set up right. The welds aren't pretty but its done and where it should be.

The second thing i did was getting rubber hoses on the mustang II mounted. This is in prepartion for getting the brake lines mocked up when the hardline shows up. Not a big task, but it did require a trip to the hardware store.

I also fished the OE brake line from the 8.8 when i brought it home to see if it can be salvaged. Doesn't look like it, as the orginal hard mounts are right where the coilovers are. Oh well, looks like i'm going to need to replace the OE rubber hoses in the back as I'm not happy with a mounting point on the rearend without a potential kink.

I still need to get some different headers and get the tank so I can work on the fuel system. Work marches on! Stay tuned...
Build: "1950" GMC -Charlotte
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