Thread: Annoying brakes
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Old 03-28-2016, 08:30 PM   #1
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Question Annoying brakes

I had to replace the CCP proportioning valve last weekend while at the beach car show. The CCP proportioning valve had the plunger in the front of it with a rubber boot covering it. It blew the seal out of it and every time I stepped on the brakes it would shoot fluid out of it. I bought a new one and it doesn' have the front plunger. So any way here is the question for all of you.

The master cylinder is a after market one that I have no idea who makes it. I bought it used from a truck club member about 1.5 years ago. The problem is the lid moves around on it and the rubber gasket has about a 1/8" gap all around it. It leaks every time I drive it.

Tonight I hope I fixed it. I cut a piece of rubber gasket I had bigger than the lid so that it would over lay the master cylinder lip and with the lid in place it smashes it down good and tight. You can see the gasket in the pictures. I hope this has fixed it but wanted to hear what any of ya'll have done for this problem. If you have solved it by some other means please post them.
If this works I will take it back off and trim the gasket back to the edge.
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1971 LWB Custom, 6.0LS & 4L80E, GPS speedometer & gauges with A/C. 20" Boss 338's Grey wheels 4 wheel disc brakes. My Driver
Seeing the USA in a 71

Upstate SC GM Truck Club
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Get out and drive the truck this summer and have some fun!
It sucks not being able to hear!

LWB trucks rule, if you don't think so measure your SWB!
After talking to tech support at Air Lift I have found out that the kit I need is 60811. Per the measurements I gave them. Ride height of truck inside spring and inside diameter of springs.
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