Thread: Radiator hoses
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Old 03-29-2016, 02:15 PM   #3
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Re: Radiator hoses

Fail Safe brand thermostats are supposed to fail in the open position, rather than the closed position. They cost about $20. I have read some reviews that this thermostat did not fail in the open position, but I put one in my BB 83 anyway.

For hoses, I would do some research on the internet. I think there may be some lifetime warranty hoses if you plan to keep the truck a long time. I would not go for the cheap hoses (like Dayco or Auto Zone store brand.) Cheap hoses are not very thick walled and tend to collapse a bit. I would check Rock Auto and see the variety of hoses they offer. On my luxury sedan (Cavalier) I used only AC Delco hoses because they have complicated fittings integral to the hoses and are not easy to replace due to limited engine bay open space.
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