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Old 03-30-2016, 08:11 AM   #6
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Re: 70 c10 no title options

I take AR requires title on vehicles older than 25 years as some states will issue registration on a bill of sale only for them. Georgia, NY examples. These registrations from these states can usually be transferred to titles in other states. Of course all needs to be legit. You could try to reserach the vin with the dmv and see if stolen. If not it can be done maybe -- not real easy tho. Look in Hemmings.

In Ohio you cannot legally sell a vehicle without a title. They can be junked but the frame has to be cut in two. But a registration with bill of sale can be transferred from other states. You can get a builders title in Ohio but that titles it the year that it was inspected and passed for highway use--if vin does not show stolen -----in other words - now would be a 2016. Takes receipts on all major components.. Like I found an abandoned vehicle on my farm.

The whole deal is that states do not want stolen vehicles to be moved around from state to state which is a good thing.

Bonded titles in TX still require an orig title as I have been thru that. In my case in TX I had a signed orig title but the owner had died and he could not sign the mileage document. Not sure on AR.

Last edited by dennislbrooks; 03-30-2016 at 08:18 AM.
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