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Old 03-30-2016, 09:46 PM   #17
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Re: What would you do?

Originally Posted by ubtripn View Post
Sorry, I should have been more clear, in the summer when I am not moving it moves up to 200 and it keeps going. Given the right conditions it will break 220. Happened only once then I got moving so no damage. But it will move high when not moving if it is above 65 out.

Thanks for the puller answer as well.

100% agree, it has a ton to do with where you live/drive. I remember running a 180 therm in Texas in 112 to 115 degree in the summertime and it damn near cooked my engine,trans and I recall the AC barely making a difference.

I can still recall all the "stock" cars and trucks blowing head gaskets like crazy even brand new ones.Had to get a aftermarket rad and a 160 to get it to run at 190 in stop and go traffic+ AC... lol

Now when I moved to Colorado that all changed, moved up to a 190 or 195 and it would drop 30 below often in the winter however I would never run a engine over 200+
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