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Old 03-31-2016, 10:07 AM   #3
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Re: Adding a Van Tilt

Do you have to move it because it hits something when you install the column? I read through a whole bunch of threads saying you have to move it but none explaining why? I don't know if it's because the connectors wouldn't reach it or if the switch his something else under the dash. I'm not above extending wires... I'm actually pretty good at it being an A/V Technician/Engineer... but I don't really want to start Dremeling a hole into the steering column and bending a new tab on the inner shaft if I don't have to.

I haven't taken my original column out yet to test fit the tilt column. I'd like to have everything ready to go when I tear into it so I can get it all done at once.
1969 CST/10 "GreenAndWhite"
1974 Nova (SOLD... End of an Era)
2000 Impala (RIP)
2008 Malibu

Brand Loyal... I've never owned a Vehicle not made by Chevrolet.
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