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Old 03-31-2016, 06:39 PM   #1
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Posts: 286
Suspension problems on lowered truck

I have a 67 that has been lowered about 4-5".It is not done correctly.I wished I had caught it this winter when I converted it from drum to disc brakes.The PO lowered it by cutting front springs and using DTM1200LL shocks on front and on rear CCP 603-5 springs and Doetsch Tech DT405G shocks.
When I changed the spindles trying to cheap out I used some stock height ones and put it back with the same cut front springs and shocks.Now the suspension is resting on the rubber bump stops.
Could I leave rear suspension along and buy 2.5 drop front spindles and find some stock height springs and start cutting them to match rear height?Will I have to buy another set of shocks.
Other option I was thinking about is leaving stock height spindles and getting stock springs cut to lower front about 2" in front.Then raise rear up to match.Would I have to buy different front and rear shocks?
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