So this winter, I aquired my '72 and since getting it from storage three weeks ago, I have been going through it and tending to certain things, some small, some not so small. One of the things the PO mentioned was when he had the ZZ4 crate motor put in that he didn't have a rad overflow, and that getting one installed would be a good idea, but what he really meant to say was that instead of buying a $15 rad overflow jug and mounting it, he took a powerade bottle drilled a hole in the lid, duct taped the hell out of it, stuffed a hose into it and zip tied it a few inches away from the fan.

this for me wasn't going to fly...... $15 later, and 5 min to mark and drill a spot to mount a rad overflow it's installed, and my motor isn't relying on a zip tied sports drink bottle, I'm almost positive it would have taken more time to dr that stupid powerade bottle than to mount the real thing. Like I said, sometimes you just have to shake your head and smile,