Really could go two ways. On one hand you might walk in to a really cool motor and a solid 4x4 with great axles already in it. A little time and labor into it on your part and off you go. could be looking at a twisted up beat down rig that somebody built for pulling and never intended to use it for daily driving again. Look up "tractor pull gone bad" on YouTube and you'll get an idea of what these trucks do there whole life

it's a very fun sport IMO, and if I had a truck to make a puller out of, I garauntee you it would NEVER be fit for daily driving again lol especially with a manual trans.
Think of it like this, we all had that short term girlfriend we will never forget. Lots of fun, no worries about the future at all, but you never brought her home to meet Mom. She just wasn't fit to be a keeper but boy was she fun while it lasted