Re: Pardon me while I rant
This is the thing i hate to see and hear. As a parts store salesman these idiots that do this give us all a bad name. Then again the number of customers i get in one day that do not even know the year, make, model, or engine size of their own vehicle still amazes me.
Regardless this mouth breather fails to understand that his job is NOT to sell you what you need but to sell you exactly what you Ask for. In this case the idjit should have been knocked up side his head.
Reason why you get these people is everyone wants low prices. I get to listen to it day after day. What most people forget is cheap prices are gotten buy driving down company cost. So you end up with kids fresh out of high school willing to work for peanuts and that is what they give in service. Part time employees that have no interest or care in doing their job. Just a body there to take up space and collect a check. Most of which have absolutely no mechanical experience.
The other reason that you get to deal with these idiots is the good ones are usually tied up five jobs deep hunting down stuff like a fuel pump for a 1950 Desoto. (carter m847 by the way) and the "filler" people end up playing answering service for them. I would recommend stopping by a few shops in town and find out who they ask for when they call then use that person.
my point being is if you had called me and asked for a certain moog part number that is exactly what you would have picked up. We are not all complete morons.
1981 Silverado C10 LS/4l60e
My truck may be loud and ugly but I love her like bacon