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Old 04-02-2016, 06:08 PM   #12
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Re: inline 250 with 373 posi???

Originally Posted by Mrturner1 View Post
Good grief I said they are great motors! lol I was complementing them, even said some guys (like you apparently) get tons of horsepower out of them. Let's not start taking low blows about my build. I was giving him a quick solution, doesn't sound like he wants to sink a bunch of money into it, and he mentioned swapping rear ends as a possibility. To me, that sounds like he's looking for a quick fix, which a small block would be. Changing gear ratio doesn't make a slow truck fast

I'll leave the one about racing alone lol.....

K&N filter and 44 psi in the tires should do the trick lol
Sorry Matt, but you need to be careful on the advice you are giving. Like many tried to explain to you on your build, a set of gears might have made your truck with the old motor 'Come to life'. It's about getting the motor into the rpm band where it is making power when needed. Whether that be the torque or hp. So, gears could definitely make a slow truck fast. To the OP, I'd do like you plan and try to figure out your gear ratio. As far as posi or open, that's something you have to decide. Do you tow with it, plan on burn the tires take-offs that sort of thing, then maybe a posi. More of just a cruiser, maybe sometimes drive on icy roads, maybe open is better.
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