Hey everyone,
I have good news and bad news. Good news is I got power to the back lights(running lights). It turns out it was a faulty headlight switch. Anyhow, next is to the get the brake lights and flashers working, which I believe is the turn signal switch.
Anyhow, the bad news. As my father and I were testing wires to the back lights last week, the truck died. We thought nothing of it and continued testing lights and eventually fixed them. Anyhow, when we went to start it back up, click. From then on, there was nothing but clicks. So, I went outside everyday to do body work and I tried starting it. One day, it started to turn over, but I didn't fire it up only because it 7AM and I didn't want to wake all the people in my dorm.

Anyhow, my father and I decided that the issue was the starter. So, just today, I purchased a new starter and solenoid. As soon as it was all hooked back up, just clicks. After the clicking, I checked the battery voltage. I found 11V. So, I went out and bought a brand new battery. Still, just clicks. I need some help with this issue. So, total, it has a brand new battery and a new starter. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, all help is appreciated.