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Old 04-02-2016, 10:43 PM   #4
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Re: Where does this harness plug into?

Originally Posted by SS Tim View Post
To me it looks like the anti-diseling relay connector.
12ga Orange
18ga Pink
14ga Dark Green

Refer to The 71 FSM 1A-41 fig.60 for a schematic and
1A-32 fig.41 for location and function description.
Bingo, SS strikes again. Well, one guess who doesn't have the relay. From what I'm reading so far, it looks to mount on the panel near the ignition switch. I'm guessing above it. The unit may not be necessary (thoughts?). I'm not even convinced this ever had one. That said, dumb dumb (great mechanic turned meth-user) may have removed it when he installed the kill switch. Thanks a bunch Tim, and I learned something about reading the schematics. Now if you can cure some colored blindness.

Can anyone provide a description how and where the relay mounts? In the meantime, I'll do some looking.

Update: Just bought one. Safe bet mine was removed. Still doesn't mean I'll use it Ha!...............

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

Last edited by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402; 04-02-2016 at 11:11 PM.
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