Busy weekend with family and kid obligations, but I did manage a couple hours in the garage.
I was pretty nervous about the steering set up before I even started. The input shaft of the rack was aimed right at my drivers side motor mount.
The headers I am running gave me a couple good sized openings to get through.
When it was all said and done it was not as big of a deal as I had dreaded in the first place. I modified the motor mount a bit so the bolt hole was closer to the block. This required extending the mount a couple inches and cutting the biscuit. Once I did this it allowed the clearance I needed.
I mocked it up with a piece of dowl rod and it works great. Now I am going to pull the motor and weld up the modified motor mount and paint the area. Once that is done hopefully the motor will go in to stay.
New parts are arriving daily.
New rear calipers for the Ford 8.8.
CPP Firewall mounted Brake Booster.