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Old 04-06-2016, 08:44 AM   #28
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Re: Ultra Rare 1972 GMC SS Sierra

Mike 16, I really can't see anyone taking this thread seriously. It was just a April Fools joke. And a very funny one at that. There are plenty of clues in the original post to show that it is a April Fools joke.

Over Easter weekend,
my cousin Bunny
Grandpa Peter
Rabbit Valley Road
dealership, Cottontail Chevy/GMC.
Mr. Cottontail
egg stains
Peter's wife April said he would be a fool to sell his truck.

I just can't imagine someone using a April Fools joke to validate a rare truck. Pops admitted that it was a April Fools joke in post #23

Quote:"I spent a couple of hours PhotoShopping that GMC and the fake SPID. I have created my own SPID file and font to use later on and thought this would be a good place to use it. Of course the engine bay photo is from a 1969 Camaro.

I think the April Fool's joke is on me because the more I look at this truck the more I like it! I would love to build one just for a different look. It shouldn't be too hard to pull the parts together. Hmmm...."
End Quote

I just can't see a April Fools joke running the integrity of our hobby or the integrity of this website. Pops does a April Fools joke every year and I can't wait to see the joke he comes up with next year. He is a great contributor to this website. Also a heck of a kind man. I'm proud to call him my friend and thankful that people like him exist.
Bruce Man

Last edited by bruceman1968; 04-06-2016 at 08:53 AM.
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