Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
After owning my truck for 13 years I decided to sell my truck in 2014. I didn't want to go through the Craigslist/Kijiji hassle so I decided to take it to a a local pretty big Car Show that comes to my city every 3 years. I made up a contact she for the truck ( and I did get some help from a board member jigging the details ) and took couple of them to the show with me. I was near the truck 95% of the time and sold it at the show for 99% of the price on the contact sheet. Just throwing out an idea for you.
1972 C10 Custom/Deluxe 613 Highlander 406/700R4
1999 White Tahoe LS 4x2 with Z56 Police Package
1992 K1500 GMC Suburban
Members I have personally met: MusicMan70 - HeavyD - ChewyChevy67 - StingRay -71SWB4x4 - 67 Burb - DeadheadNM - too much stuff - bc65 - das601
" Circumsatances Do Not Change Responsibility "
" The Sky is not the Limit, Your Mind is." Marilyn Monroe ..
RIP Charlie Watts 1941 - 2021