I had a breakthrough couple hours in the shop and ended on a positive note.
I set my toe in and decided the front of the LCA would not work. I needed to go on the back of the LCA......but had to clear the headers. I kept thinking about straightening out the shock a bit, rather than leaning it back towards the frame. I took some 2" flat and bent it up and put a quick gusset on side to brace it and tacked it on the frame.
First I bolted the shock to the side of the LCA but I was not happy with the minimal clearance. I then made a quick mounting tab and tack it to the LCA and that gives me almost 2" of clearance when the spindle is on the stop. I might bump the bottom of the shock out towards the ball joint another inch or so.
I plan to gusset the other side of the mount as well as build another mounting tab on the LCA.