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Old 04-06-2016, 08:26 PM   #18
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Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10

I've learn a lot in the past 10 years from guys going out and buying 10 to 25 trucks and parting them out.I'm a junk man and he calls me to junk the junk.I know of another guy Perry here in Moreno Valley.

He had over 75 trucks suburban flat bed 1 ton to 15 ton Chevy trucks on his property.

We get to talking and most of the guys that do this tell me they get the guys in there looking for straight cab's

No cancer or very little.

The days of Gone in 60 seconds Are long gone for there old trucks now its all about survival.The cheapest way to save there project or sale there trucks.

Guys like this one fell on hard times We all have had them days months years.It happens.

At first I just thought he was the run of the mill asking 50,000 for a 12000 do0ller truck.

the More gems he discloses makes this truck more liking to you me and the father looking for a Safe truck for his Only son.

I like to say i'm sorry for busting your balls.Your right you where just trying to test the market to get a reaction To me you Did Very Well.

Please post as many pics on this page take off all the wheels take pics you had all the gaskets done High light that be happy at selling your truck.

No such thing as a stupid question unless you ask it twice.

I feel you have a real good chance at getting what you want keep researching on the parts on your truck cus you might have a rare truck in the making
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