Thread: Door locks
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Old 04-07-2016, 01:27 AM   #13
The Older Generation

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Re: Door locks

Originally Posted by 3757chevy View Post
i guess i put this question in the wrong spot . didn't notice I'm asking blazer stuff in the burb and panel section..oops! I've owned 6 c10's and never had door locks concerns
Doesn't really matter on that, the locks all work the same. The first thing I would do is to put the nozzle of the penetrating oil can (something with Teflon in it works best) into the lock cylinder key hole and give them a good spray, then slide the key in and out a few times to loosen up the tumblers in the lock then try turning them. If that doesn't help roll the window all the way down and with a good light you should be able to see the back of the door lock and the latch mechanism down inside the door. (at least on the pickups and Burbs you can) Spray all of that with the penetrating oil and lock & unlock it with the interior lock button, then try the key again.

Let me know if that works or not.


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