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Old 04-07-2016, 09:05 AM   #148
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Posts: 132
Re: My 67 short stepside


The T5 are great too. Shifting gears is a blast. Looking to get mine on the fast track soon. We have stopped work on the 67, to start and try to finish my son's 49 Chevy five window. His truck is in paint currently so we are close to getting back to my 67. I have to box a little more of my frame and tap the frame for steering linkage then we are ready to paint or powder coat the frame. Then the LSX and six speed can drop in its home.

Can still needs lots of work, the tough was rough. If it wasn't my high school truck I would have used a different cab.

Good luck with your truck.

Just purchased a 1971 Cheyenne for my 14 year old son. I got my 67 when I was 14.
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