Originally Posted by Oberon67
I post that I'm interested in building a six for low-end torque to improve on-the-street driveability, and I get feedback talking about turbos that kick in "around 3000-3500 rpm."
Not understanding what my idea means does not disqualify it as a valid idea - or are you going to say next that Toyota Supras (Inline 6, sequential turbos) don't have good on-the-street driveability.
I'm a fan of all good engineering ideas, except BMW. They tend to over-design and solve problems that didn't really exist. Still, they have cool technology.
Originally Posted by Oberon67
One or the other of us wasn't communicating. It's entirely possible that I don't listen worth dung, it's true. It's also true that I began the thread with some preconceived notions in mind that perhaps I didn't state properly up-front. If that's the case, I apologize.
No, I got your idea. And if you had preconceived notions, that's fine as well. I simply wondered how in the world, in 2016, you still had to convince people that turbos were a great idea - that's all.