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Old 04-07-2016, 04:02 PM   #36
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Re: Why's everybody hatin' on the 305?

Originally Posted by 68c10owner View Post
My truck has a 305 and had a 5th wheel installed at some point. I've towed cars with 305s before and they aren't that bad. Just not as good as a bigger engine. And I dont recall the OP asking about towing so yet again this discussion has gotten side tracked.

Bottom line is there is nothing wrong with a 305 engine. No it wont make the power of a bigger engine but they are still good work engines.
Umm, he asked why everyone hates the 305 or swaps them out. I simply gave one reason. So the way I see it, this thread is exactly on track with my comments.

Yeah apparently some people's idea of how good a 305 tow's is WAY different than mine. I'm sure they can pull something. Just don't be in front of me when we hit the next hill, lol.
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