Originally Posted by Blessed66
Don't let it get to you.
There will always be people who think 305 = garbage, no matter how eloquent or convicing your argument may be. This industry has about a 2:1 ratio of bad information to good information, so it's no surprise how many myths are out there.
What gets to me is all of the bigger is better crap. Not everyone needs the biggest engine possible. Sure in a perfect world we can have it all. I went through this same stuff with my 327 build back in the 90`s. 383`s were just starting to get popular enough that you didnt have to cut down 400 cranks anymore so people started building them expecting all the power in the world. It was fun beating a lot of them with my little 327.
Originally Posted by Firebirdjones
Relax, no one is arguing anything here that I've seen. Just simply stating some opinions as to what the OP originally asked. Oberon is the one asking but you seem to be taking offense to it. It's all good bud. You have one so you're a little bias, that's okay. If you're happy with your 305 that's all that matters. Just because some of us don't want one doesn't mean it's a horrible engine, never said it was. 
I`m not taking offence to anything. I`m simply trying to stop the bashing of any of these engines anytime someone asks about something other than a 383 or LS. I`m not bias towards any engine. I just cant see trashing a perfectly good engine. Yeah, I have one but as soon as I can afford a bigger engine its getting swapped. I`m not saying the 305 is the best in the world and we all should have one but from my experience a majority of the bashers of anything are repeating stories they have heard and dont really have first hand knowledge.
One of the reasons I came back to this site from a very good performance site is anytime someone asked about something that wasnt the "in thing" they were trashed and made to feel like they were scum for even asking about it. This site never use to be that way, which is why I came back, but I see it slowly getting there.