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Old 04-07-2016, 08:08 PM   #21
driving is in my blood
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Re: What if: Building an Inline Six Torque Monster

Originally Posted by Oberon67 View Post
Well, what can I tell you?

I post that I'm interested in building a six for low-end torque to improve on-the-street driveability, and I get feedback talking about turbos that kick in "around 3000-3500 rpm."

One or the other of us wasn't communicating. It's entirely possible that I don't listen worth dung, it's true. It's also true that I began the thread with some preconceived notions in mind that perhaps I didn't state properly up-front. If that's the case, I apologize.
Nobody said anything about using a turbo that kicks in at over half the max RPM of the motor. Thats where you keep taking the turbo discussion even though we tell you different.
Use a small enough turbo and plumming and you'll make boost at 1000rpm. It probably won't make power past 4000rpm but theres your low end. It can and is done on a daily basis, for many decades.
-78 c10 short/step: 388cid, M20, 5/5 drop, lots more. Playtoy and first vehicle.
-98 c1500 x-cab: 5.7L, 17" rims, 5/6 drop, flowmaster, helper bags,NBS rear disk brakes.
-02 Suburban 4x4: leveled front
-CBR600F4i, CBR600RR, CBR1000RR, and standup skis
DISCLAIMER: I cant spell for the life of me.
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