Originally Posted by 68c10owner
I`m simply trying to stop the bashing of any of these engines anytime someone asks about something other than a 383 or LS.
Originally Posted by 68c10owner
One of the reasons I came back to this site from a very good performance site is anytime someone asked about something that wasnt the "in thing" they were trashed and made to feel like they were scum for even asking about it. This site never use to be that way, which is why I came back, but I see it slowly getting there.
The challenge there is everyone has a different view of the World and what's in it. If you can learn to share space with people who's opinions oppose yours, then life gets a lot easier. The problems usually begin when people are true believers = my view of the subject is the only legitimate truth. It can get worse when it goes from an argument between 2 people into a group monkey dance where Imaginary Status is on the line. Reality is there are many opinions, experiences, and truths for individual people.
305 is an awesome motor
305 is a piece of crap
Both statements are true depending on the individual.