Thread: Bad ESC Module?
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Old 04-09-2016, 10:57 AM   #10
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Re: Bad ESC Module?

FYI update -- my "new" esc module was defective. Even "tapping" on the module would make the truck run or not run. I replaced with a new one and all seems well. So end result in my case, the ESC and ignition modules were bad, and new ones have the truck running!

Luckily my defective ESC actually worked at first when i hooked it up, or i'd be hunting down nothing for no telling how long. It worked on initial hookup (after i replaced the ignition module), but then quit after mounting it back under the dash. Took about a week of playing, etc to figure out the new ESC was actually bad.

Will do a couple more days of testing, then reassemble the dash with the new ESC in it. I will, however, always keep a jumper wire in my glovebox in case this ever fails on the road! Glad i know how to bypass!
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