Re: Why's everybody hatin' on the 305?
Why the Hatin'?
Well, some people can live with a 305, towing, driving, cruising. The guy I bought my GMC from, he is that guy. He is Mr Slow and Steady. The 305 suits his driving style perfectly. These guys fall into the same catagory who feel that the straight 6 is a suitable truck engine (be it the Ford or GM guys). I admire their resolve and ability to be satisified with slow and steady...
Me? Not a chance. I drive it like I stole it. I prefer to get up to the speed limit promptly. When I pass somebody, I prefer to pass them yesterday. When I am towing, I like some grunt, and some in reserve just in case. I can't leave anything alone anyways and always end up modifying what I drive. In the case of a 305, you gain very little for your dollar, a 350 or bigger gives you more bang for your modification buck. Back in my stop light drag days, you had some guys who sunk money into their 305's. Well, they sunk money into them alright for very little gain. Put that same cash and or mods into a 350+ and you see more return for your dollar. We even had two glutons for punishment that decided to hot rod their slant 6's. Man, they spent crazy money and did not manage to do any better than a guy with a stock 350 with just a dual exhaust and maybe headers. What they got for their money was a level of performance that let them play with the v8's.
All that is said with respect to the previous era's engines. With todays engine management and manufacturers efforts to get every last drop of performance and fuel economy has put things on a whole other level. But in short, if you have a tendency to modify, and like things to be more zippy, a larger engine is the more economical choice long term.