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Old 04-10-2016, 12:06 PM   #1
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New wheel suggestions?

So after languishing in my driveway slowly rotting away the wife and I decided to take our my '82 C30 3+3 DRW to the body shop and have the small rust holes in the rocker panel replaced and a new white coat sprayed on. Since we're laying down quite a bit of money now to have this work done it seems prudent to take care of a few other issues with the truck i.e. replace the completely rotted exhaust, replace the rear tires and find some wheels that will match that nice shiny new paint job. I'd be happy to stick with the white stamped steel dually wheels it has now but I've also been looking at some aluminum ones as well. Does anyone have any experience with the Ultra 002 dually wheels? I'm a bit confused why there's a front and rear version, I see the offset is different but I was hoping someone could clear up why they're not reversible like the stock ones. Also from what I have read the '82s used a 8x6.5" hole pattern which is what these are, but the site doesn't say if they're hub centric wheels or not. That was a lot of typing for a simple question, sorry. Thanks guys. I will post pics when it's all done.

P.S. - If anyone has any other suggestions I'm happy to hear them.
'82 C30 3+3 Dually 454
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