Thread: t56 queation
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Old 04-11-2016, 09:40 AM   #1
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t56 queation

Im bulding a 83 stepside 2 wheel drive, stepside. Thats gonna be on air suspension. Ive searched on her for a few days and didnt really find what im trying to get answered. Im putting a 5.3 in my truck, with a single turbo. Just plannig tfor a fun cruiser no drag racing. Shooting for 600 wheel horsepower. My question is, well first of a couple, what year range t56 have you guys used for a similiar power range? What did you do for a pedal assembly? I wasnt sure if the factory one could work or if i needed an aftermarket one of some kind. And im wanting to keep my bench seat, so whats involved to have shifter miss the seat? Thanks for any info or links. Im hoping to get some responses from those that have done this in a 73-87 body style. Thanks
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