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Old 04-11-2016, 11:25 AM   #16
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Re: Carb gurus needed inside

Originally Posted by Oberon67 View Post
You may have cross-threaded the connection when you installed the new fuel pump; that's simple to fix. It may also be that you didn't snug the nut down hard enough. Before attempting to snug it down further, be absolutely certain that it's not cross-threaded, or you'll just make things worse.

It may also be that the fitting on your replacement pump is a less-than-perfect fit for the flare on the end of your hard fuel line to the carb. The right way to fix this is to cut off the end of the line and re-flare it, creating a new fitting. Failing that (and the repair I would do if it were me), you can slide the nut up the line and apply a couple wraps of Teflon tape over the flare, then slide the nut back down and attach as normal.

Yeah, you're not supposed to Teflon-tape these fittings, but it works.

...don't ask me how I know this...
very cool, thanks. my dad is from rocky mount btw
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