Originally Posted by davepl
I think he said he's got a big-block, in which case those are down by the oil filter, but it shouldn't matter.
I was always paranoid about tacking the pickup tube on because I'd heard that heat could ruin the spring. So I'd take them apart first... and I also brazed them for some reason rather than welding (dissimilar metals maybe?)
I have no idea if a little tack welding would really hurt the spring inside, but it can't hurt to take it out. Unless you forget to put it back in I suppose!
Anyone know if you can drop the pan in a truck with a big block simply by raising the motor? I've never tried.
I do know my grandfather did new rings and bearings in his '63 Biscayne without pulling the motor. He was a heavy duty diesel mechanic and I guess you get used to working in place, but I thought it was kind of cool. How he compressed the rings to get them up into the bores I really don't know... Pretty sure that would have been a 6 though.
I dropped the pan far enough on my '67 1/2t with the 454 but it was a pain in the arse. I couldn't get the pan all the way off though.
(I modified my previous post on the port)