Re: Sarge's rattle-can rebuild
Alright then, back to the windshield damage. I did not take enough pics to properly document what damage happened. The limb that fell had a curve in it, so it left two dents. One over the passenger side, but back from the windshield. That was probably the heavy end of the limb. It went deep enough to dent the inner cab shell, and when it popped that inner dent, it hit the vanity mirror on the visor and shattered it. I pushed up on the inner dent in the cab, it popped back into position. The second dent on top of the cab curved from the top and across the windshield gasket and made the mess I consider more serious - leaky windshields not allowed, especially when we have to buy a new one.
So, on to the pics. The first one is the damage as I found it, front view. You can see how the cab crown is mashed in on the passenger side. The second pic is terrible, but it's where I'd marked the perimeter of both dents with a yellow crayon. With flat paint, you can't see the edges of the dent even in person so I'm doing my Helen Keller bit, feeling with one hand and tracing with the other to outline my work area. Unfortunately, when I took the pic I was holding the camera up and couldn't see too good, so half the second dent is cut out of the pic. More pics to come though.
79 2wd Blazer (Bruiser)
85 M1009 Blazer (Sarge) build
74 Honda Z50 build