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Old 03-08-2004, 08:19 AM   #48
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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I put the chevy grill on it over a year ago. I swapped the clips from longhorn to SWB since the longhorn is a keeper and I like the GMC grill better. (Where have you been man???) I just tried a search for the thread (thread named somebody pulled a flim flam and posted on or about 23 march of last year)
I know about teh primer absorbing water. Most primers these days are not liek that though. (although honestly, i didn't look at this brand) There were very few spots that went to bare metal, and once the flames are on, it'll get hit with the buffer to knock down the coarse texture, which causes most of the absobancy. then after that, I will probably wax's a sickness really.
Shawa/tim, I have no other pics of it in black as of yet...just what you see. I do have a few more from last night of work in progress...but the lighting was so poor they were not worth posting. A true bummer since there were some good pics in there other than the light issue.
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