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Old 04-14-2016, 04:48 PM   #4
Currently Blazerless
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Location: St. Joseph Mo.
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Re: Looking for a 55-59 4x4

Originally Posted by ClaytonS. View Post
Craigslist, Shawnee Ok. '56
Thanks, I called about that truck several days ago, it looks pretty nice, in my price range and only about 300 miles away. Told the guy I was very interested and I was a ways from him...could I get some pics of it, overall and any problem spots? He said he couldn't email me so I said just use your camera phone and send them to my phone. The next day I get 3 pictures, one of the motor, glove box lid and the instrument cluster. He said he knew they weren't very good pics but the best he can do. I figure with today's technology asking for some better pictures before driving 300 miles is not out of line.
1972 C/30 133" W.B. C&C
1970 GMC 3500 157" W.B. single wheel C&C
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