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Old 04-16-2016, 03:30 AM   #7
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Sell to whoever? Or sell to the right buyer?

It's hard to imagine something original being cut up. The first online forum I joined was a gun collecting one and to even mention "sporterizing" a weapon got the comment/thread deleted and could get you banned. I feel the same way on these trucks: seeing the lowered and shortened frames really bothers me B U T......

FREEDOM! PERSONAL LIBERTY. People have the right to do what they want with their stuff......I have to remind myself of that. Once I sell something or give it away, I have no more say on what that person does to it.

If you want to keep your truck original, keep the truck. You certainly can try to encourage the buyer to keep it original, you have that right also. It comes down to personal choice. Since I have no children, I'll have to figure out who to give all my stuff to when I depart this reality. It would be nice if the heir kept the truck original but that's up to that person.
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