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Old 04-16-2016, 09:07 AM   #13
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Re: Sell to whoever? Or sell to the right buyer?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I'm sitting here wondering why you just posted all this when it is obvious he is talking about the blue & white truck he showed a picture of. So, you are saying you don't like Grapefruit on these trucks. That's cool, we all have our preferences. But you will find a lot of people who feel quite the opposite. To me, in my taste, GM didn't use a bad color on any 67-72s and it takes a very special custom color to look right. But that's just one man's opinion.

Ok, let's get back to the topic now.
He stated about changing out matching number 350 motor to an ls that isnt original. Look at his trucks in the first link practically scraping the ground. To my eyes that does not look original. It's pretty obvious and I'm not sure what you are wondering about. Don't get me wrong I love the original gm colors too I just never seen any that were chartreuse. Was that a "special" paint code?
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