Originally Posted by LordDevlin
So are you saying that you did install posies all around? Or just in the front?
Did you find that the posies actually gave a 3 inch drop right away?
Often these trucks have extra overload springs in the back, you could remove those if they are there. The back has more springs than the front to begin with regardless of overload springs.
Yep, Posies front and rear.
Fitted the front first and they made a huge difference to ride and comfort so thought I'd order a set for the rear, these were a disappointment - looked nice enough with the drop, but ride quality did'nt improve like the front did.
Did'nt get the full 3" drop straight away, but after a few weeks it was'nt far off 2.5" - 3.0"
edit - when a buddy followed me down the road he thought it was hilarious to see 5" or 6" of daylight under the rear tyre's as I bounced down the road !!