Originally Posted by Keith Seymore
Originally Posted by 70gmcjimmy
These are great stories of how these trucks can be family members! Keep them coming!
I linked the long version; I can share the short version here:
I ordered my truck in the fall of 1986 so that I would have something to drive. I followed the build down the assembly line and drove it to the shipping building myself.
It was my daily driver for about four years until I was promoted and received a full time company car. I sold it to my Father-in-law at that point (autumn of 1991).
He drove it daily for 18 years until his passing. The family asked if I wanted it back at that point, so I flew out, drove it home from Montana and restored it cosmetically over the summer of 2009.
I drove it daily again until last November, when I retired the truck and sold it to my brother in law (my F-i-L's son, in case that is not obvious). It even sat in my barn until this spring so it is not far away.
I have actually made more money selling this truck (and re-selling this truck) to my in laws than I paid for it new.