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Old 04-21-2016, 07:06 PM   #8
Mr Handy
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Re: toe in question.

1/16" toe in on each side is a good number to shoot for. I did some suspension work on mine including drop spindles, 4" springs in back and stock height springs in the front and took it for an alignment and after $200 the alignment was terrible. I bought a bubble level alignment tool for $129 and did it myself and it is beautiful.

My setting right and left are -1* camber and +3.5* caster with 1/8"total toe.
I have power steering, if manual steering I would set caster to +1.5* and see how it works, +caster will make the truck not want to turn and help improve return to center but can make it hard to turn in parking lots.
I can drive down the highway at 70mph with no hands on the wheel now and have no noticeable tire wear in over 1000 miles. I have been checking because the shop alignment was eating tires. I forgot to write down the numbers I started with.
the largest shim stack I have is 7/16" (3x 1/8" and 1x 1/16")
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