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Old 04-21-2016, 10:58 PM   #10
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Re: Tachometer Hookup Help - New Cluster!

Ok, I got the back of the cluster all prepped to install with a tach filter in the equation just for good measure.

Picture is down below.

Everything is soldered and tight and taped and crimped.

Let me know if everything looks good.

The red wire with the spade connection on the far left side will connect to another wire that will run through the firewall and hook to the HEI tach input.

I've already got my new # 1 and # 12 wires ran from where they need to be with 4 amp inline fuses, ran through the firewall just need to connect them to the proper spots on the cluster plug. After that I just need to swap around the cluster plug wires from their original positions (idiot lights) to the new positions (gauges) and I should be good to go.

Otherwise I have to hook up the oil line, which I also have ran through the firewall ready to hook into the back of the oil pressure gauge. I also still need to connect to it where the oil sending unit is now. Line is copper and coiled to prevent buzzing (so I've been told)

I will also add one more ground wire from the back plate on the cluster to a bare metal spot just above the parking brake on the bottom of the dash.

Should I have everything taken care of??
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1972 Chevrolet C20 Cheyenne Custom Camper LWB - 350 / 330 HP GM Crate - TH350 / Mild Shift Kit - Dark Blue / Medium Blue - Paint Code 559
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