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Old 04-22-2016, 12:04 AM   #6
60-66 Nut

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
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Re: My hacked up dash, should I attempt to weld?

Quite honestly, welding sheetmetal is not something easy for a beginner. If you're not very careful, you will end up with a much bigger mess that what you have now. If you really want to make the repair yourself, buy a decent MIG welder, not one from HF, and practice, practice, practice on pieces of sheetmetal fro a few months first. Also watch plenty of videos on welding sheetmetal.

A welder from Miller, Hobart or Lincoln would be a good choice. The initial investment will be more but at least the welder will still be worth something in a few years. Plus it can be repaired if needed.
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