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Old 04-23-2016, 11:28 AM   #23
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Re: Left for dead: 72 2wd blazer build

Well it's time to revive this project and thread. Over the last two months I have been acquiring thousands of dollars worth of parts, and I am hoping to get a lot more at the Pate swap meet next week. If all goes as planned I should have the Blazer running by the end of summer!

The first order of business was to get a new windshield installed.

We tried about half a dozen times with around 4 different types of weatherstripping but we could just never get the trim to stay in the weatherstripping. I did a bunch of research and found that this is a common problem with reinstalling the stainless trim windshield weatherstripping. I tried OEM trim, repop trim, and I tried weatherstripping from all the companies that people on the forum swore would work but every time the trim would pop out in the corners. Finally we gave up and just installed the non stainless trim weatherstripping. It killed me to do it but I was running out of time and options.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

'72 blazer 2wd build

67-72 Factory Big Block Registry

Last edited by 1956cameo; 04-23-2016 at 11:34 AM.
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