Can I bypass my LS harness to wire the starter?
I'm now in month four of my LQ4/4L80 Swap into my 87 Suburban, and have had something strange happen. For the past 3 months everything has been fine, with all the wiring connected like it is supposed to be I could turn the key and get the motor to turn over but not start because I didn't have my fuel lines connected.
Yesterday I connected my fuel lines and went to start it for the first time and now the truck won't turn over at all. I have fuel pressure, the throttle body opens when I press the gas pedal, so I know I have power to the ecu.
I broke out my multi-meter and verified I have 12v at the starter wire coming from the ignition. When I checked for voltage at the starter solenoid with the key in the start position I get nothing. Because the truck has been down for a few months, I tried connecting some jumper cables to another car incase I had a dead battery, nothing changed. I checked for wires that my have come disconnected and the only one I found is was the power wire for my torque converter lockup. Since it was late at that point and all my tools were put up I haven't fixed that wire yet. I don't think that would have any effect on not being able to turn the motor over would it? Does the brake pedal need to be pressed to start the motor?
Because I can always get 12v from the purple ignition wire, can I just wire that directly to my starter solenoid and bypass my LS harness?
I still have the neutral safety switch intact on my steering column, that I believe the ignition wire has to go through first.