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Old 04-25-2016, 07:37 PM   #3
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: 1951 Chevy Truck

I think the dump body is more a detractor than an asset. You need someone that want a dump truck, not a lot do. With the rust I see and the rust I know would be be there after sitting under the trees for 14 years I think $1500 IF and only IF it has a clear Texas title. No title from Texas its a parts truck worth about $500

How I come to those numbers is the falling off step shows a missing rocker panel that supports the cab. The amount of rot in the corner says inner corner is also gone and possible a entire floor replacement is needed. back of the cab is banged in on the right side and the dump bed seems to have rust through in the front corner,
The grille is pretty much gone.
Its a 51 and parts are harder to find for it especially door parts. 47-54 are not all the same. 51 was an odd ball year

The good thing is it looks complete and not chopped up with the original gauges , knobs and levers, air cleaner horn and other parts
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