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Old 04-26-2016, 08:17 AM   #4
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Re: How much sound insulation?

I was going to try standard rubber (neoprene?) mat on the bed quarters because it should work and was only $10-$20 a roll at the Turkey Rod Run. It was from a place in NC. That commercial sound deadening material is way overpriced IM(ignorant)O.

I was also watching weekend tv car shows that had a one of the sound deadening material guys on selling his goods. He demonstrated that a small piece of material can make a huge difference, so it may not need material completely covering the surface.

As far as the amount of the material, it wouldn't be too hard to make rough measurements of all the exterior surface areas. You could almost figure: side length x side height x 2 sides + bed length x bed width x 2 top&bot ~= 10x4x2 + 4x10x2 = 160sqft ... just a wag.
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