Originally Posted by preacher anthony
Are you still going w/ 20" on the rear or going to 22"?
Right now 20's on the rear as that is what my Mag-G's are. But I have really been considering 22's

I know I know, I said I wouldn't sell the wheels any time soon but once it's in my head I have a hard time forgetting about it. I've been going back and forth for over a month now on keeping the Mag-G's or selling them and going with a set of 22's. I know I can make my money back on the Mag-G's cause I got them for a very good price. Part of my problem is that I'm not completely sold on the grey centers, I'm more of a fully polished guy. I also like the brushed and clear coated centers too.
Originally Posted by shearjs
I'm glad I finally stumbled across your new thread. I knew you had a new project in the works, but was missing out on all the specifics. Everything looks great! You're going to love that LS powered rocket you're building. From my experience, I would definitely go with the 3.73 over the 4.10. I tried it for a while, and it was certainly fun, but the 3.73 is much more driver friendly. I can't wait to follow along and see your progress. Keep up the good work buddy!
Thanks Jason, I'm glad to have you following along. I've definitely decided to run the 3.73's in the rear. I'm taking everyone else's advice on this one.