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Old 04-28-2016, 12:34 PM   #5
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Re: Better kickpods in 60-66 Trucks

Here is where Old School starts to meet new technology. If you notice, I am using a 6 1/2" midbass driver and a 2" mid-range/tweeter combination down in the kick pods. I also have a 1" dome tweeter up in the A pillar, crossed over at an extremely high 8khz. This is done as a result of glass-wolfs input in the link on the first post, and also with the design help of Ken Pearson, the owner and chief designer of CDT Audio in Buellton CA.


Both Glasswolf and Mr Pearson were saying the same thing regarding drivers in kickpods. You will not get stellar sound out of a driver larger than 4" or 5 1/4" in a sealed kickpod. So...if you are not going to use the open cowl vent as your backspace to a 6 1/2" driver, you either need to mount a 6 1/2" driver in the door or you need to go with a smaller driver. The reason being is that your hardest hitting mid-bass frequencies are around 80 to 120 hz (Like the tom-tom drum)...a 6 1/2" driver will not reproduce those sounds in a small, sealed enclosure. This is why in my previous system where I was using a 6 1/2" driver in my Acura...the midbass was always week. Study Glass wolfs other pages as he is way more qualified than I on this is the 2" mid-range tweeter CDT Audio speaker I am using.
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My Build Thread
How to Get Audiophile Sound in 60-66 Trucks
Building Your Own Speaker Kick Pods
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