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Old 04-28-2016, 12:48 PM   #7
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Re: Better kickpods in 60-66 Trucks

Previously, I have referred you to Glasswolfs Website and here I think you will find the answer to the best sound possible. I followed his advice to the T and the results I have heard out of my system on the first start-up were better then any system I have built previous. Imaging was stable, centered over the dash and midbass was phenomenal due to using the cowl vents as the enclosure.

To start with (I apologize for plagiarizing Glasswolfs work)...the best way to achieve maximum performance out of kickpods, is to sit in the drivers seat with the window rolled up. Have a friend stand outside the truck, and stick a small piece of tape directly across from the opening of your ear. Once this is done, measure 5" forward towards the front of the truck and then 1 1/2" inches down.

Stick a piece of blue tape on this precise location because all of our construction is going to orient to this point. Here you can see the piece of blue tape on my drivers side window at the aim point...

And...if you don't care to be this precise, then you can align your speakers anywhere you want. Old school practice was to aim the speakers at the head of the occupant on the other side of the car. Passenger side was aimed at the drivers head and then vice versa...
Attached Images
My Build Thread
How to Get Audiophile Sound in 60-66 Trucks
Building Your Own Speaker Kick Pods
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