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Old 04-28-2016, 01:49 PM   #19
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Re: Better kickpods in 60-66 Trucks

And final product...

All in all, I'd say I have about 25 to 30 hours in these pods because I haven't built something for this type of vehicle before or in this manner. If I was doing it again...probably take about 20 I get the added benefit of stinking up my shop and my clothes with the smell of resin for the ensuring 4 or 5 days. Can't beat that!!!

Most any high-quality stereo shop can build these...however I have found that "younger" guys take a lot of short make sure you tell them what you want and insist on quality.

Carpeted pods are easy to make and should run you about $800 bucks for something really nice. Very forgiving.

Vinyl covered are quite a bit more work due to extra sanding, cost of vinyl and extra work and would run you about $1300 to $1500. If you want to paint them, probably in the $1800 range for a shop to make these for you and paint them as there are several hours more work to primer, sand and paint and clear.

I prefer the Katzkin Vinyl as it has great marbling and texture and doesn't lose that texture when you have to make a harder stretch. can do it yourself and spend about $80 to $150 in materials and have the satisfaction of doing your own work!!! Now you know how...
Attached Images
My Build Thread
How to Get Audiophile Sound in 60-66 Trucks
Building Your Own Speaker Kick Pods

Last edited by par4tom; 04-28-2016 at 02:14 PM.
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